Microsoft Access is alive and well. It’s still here and will be for years to come according to Microsoft. Now, Access is not right for everyone. It doesn’t run in the Cloud or on mobile devices for starters. If that’s important for your business, then you’ll need to look elsewhere. Access remains a desktop computer database. However, I’ve worked with lots of small businesses over the years from landscaping companies and non-profits to farmers and small manufactures. To these organizations, Access is an essential tool. If fact, Access is used by millions of businesses and organizations throughout the world.
My new book co-authored with Laurie Ulrich is out – Microsoft Access for Dummies. If you run a small business or non-profit and want to organize your data, Access is the perfect tool for you. It’s affordable, 100% customizable, and is easily upsized so you don’t have to start over should your business outgrow Access. If you think Access is right for you, check out Microsoft Access for Dummies. It covers Access versions from 2013 on up including the recently released Access 2021 and has lots of useful information to help you get started.